Trailer Manufacturers Must Comply To NHTSA And DOT Regulations
When you decide to be a tiny house manufacturer, one of the top things to consider is whether you will buy a prefabricated trailer or build them as a manufacturer and learn how to issue Vin numbers for the trailer legally.
Third parties that certify that the manufacturers build to a certain code or standard usually are not involved in the chassis and components processes because trailers are considered a vehicle and must follow NHTSA and DOT regulations and NHTSA allows trailer manufacturers to self-certify.
I will share some helpful information if you want to follow the steps yourself to become a legal trailer manufacturer or how to find a legal trailer manufacturer and I am also introducing everyone to Chuck Bauman with Trailer USA, who is a very valuable resource with decades of experience that facilitates the federal licensing processes for trailer manufacturers and the steps for compliance.
This will also valuable information for a consumer that is considering buying a tiny house on wheels so you can verify that the manufacturer is following federal and state laws

Information For Manufacturers Selling Trailers
An informational brochure for new trailer manufacturers can be found on NHTSA’s website The brochure describes all of the Federal motor vehicle safety standards that apply to trailers and identifies other requirements that a trailer manufacturer must meet before it offers trailers for sale in the U.S. If you do not have access to the Internet, we can fax you this package if you call 800-424-9393 and supply your fax number. We can also mail this package to you in the event that you do not have fax capability.
Federal Requirements For Trailer Manufacturers
The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 went into effect on January 1, 2000, after being introduced in the House just 60 days prior. The bill signified a measurable shift in the way the federal government handled and processed its commercial vehicle safety and compliance standards. This date also marked the birth of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an organization working under the umbrella of the Department of Transportation. The introduction of the FMCSA helped the agency to better handle the affairs of commercial vehicles, including its licensing and data and analysis, as well as its regulatory compliance and enforcement procedures.
Department Of Transportation: DOT
National Highway Safety Transportation: NHTSA
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: FMCSA
Consumer Alert: NHTSA Cautions Buyers that Trailers Must Meet Federal Safety Regulations
Press Release: August 30, 2022 Washington DC
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration today warned that noncompliant trailers that may pose a safety risk are increasingly marketed and sold to small businesses throughout the United States. These trailers are often marketed as food trucks or vending stations.
These trailers are only permitted under U.S. law if they are certified as meeting Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. In addition to the potential safety risk posed by noncompliant trailers, people attempting to import them into the country or title and register them with local authorities can incur significant expenses, only to face potential forfeiture of the noncompliant trailers.
NHTSA warns anyone purchasing a trailer to avoid falling victim to sellers of illegal trailers. Trailers that do not comply with Federal regulations may not be safe and are not allowed to enter the United States.
Please be aware that trailers must comply with Federal standards to ensure that they are equipped with appropriate critical safety components, such as lighting, tires and wheels. Only companies registered with NHTSA may manufacture trailers compliant with these standards.
Please use caution when shopping for these trailers, especially if you are considering online listings for trailers that must be imported into the United States. A compliant trailer will have an affixed label indicating it meets all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.

Photo Courtesy American Tiny House: American Tiny House Partners With Texas Bragg For Their Trailers Which Is Listed In The NHTSA Vehicle Listing Manufacturer Portal
NHTSA Manufacturer Portal

Potential trailer buyers should consult the Vehicle Product Information Catalog and Vehicle Listing Manufacturer Portal to determine whether the manufacturer is listed with NHTSA before purchasing a trailer.
Warning To Consumers

Verify, Verify, Verify Your Manufacturer
Sadly, we are seeing a severe amount of scammers that are pretending to be tiny house and trailer manufacturers, and it is important that you know the regulations that manufacturers need to meet.
Resources And Terminology
NHTSA: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 (23 U.S.C. 401 note) to help reduce the number of deaths, injuries, and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes on the Nation’s highways.
The Administration carries out programs relating to the safety performance of motor vehicles and related equipment; administers the State and community highway safety program with the FHWA; regulates the Corporate Average Fuel Economy program; investigates and prosecutes odometer fraud; carries out the National Driver Register Program to facilitate the exchange of State records on problem drivers; conducts studies and operates programs aimed at reducing economic losses in motor vehicle crashes and repairs; performs studies, conducts demonstration projects, and promotes programs to reduce impaired driving, increase seat belt use, and reduce risky driver behaviors; and issues theft prevention standards for passenger and nonpassenger motor vehicles.
The top priorities at DOT are to keep the traveling public safe and secure, increase their mobility, and have our transportation system contribute to the nation’s economic growth.
US DOT: DOT employs almost 55,000 people across the country, in the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) and its operating administrations and bureaus, each with its own management and organizational structure.
Trailer- a motor vehicle with or without motive power, designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by another motor vehicle. (NHTSA).
Motor Vehicle- any vehicle driven or drawn by mechanical power manufactured primarily for use on the public streets, roads, and highways, except any vehicle operated exclusively on a rail or rails. ( NHTSA)
World Manufacturing Identifier ( WMI)- Since 1981, global automotive manufacturers have utilized a complex numbering system called a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) that uniquely describes a vehicle. This number provides a coded description of the vehicle including: manufacturer, year of production, place of production and vehicle characteristics. Because of our unique position within the mobility industry, SAE International is contracted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), to assign a selected portion of the VIN, specifically called the World Manufacturers Identifier (WMI).

Photo Courtesy: American Tiny House Trailers
Trailers That Travel Down The Road Are Required To do The Following:
***There Is A Myth That Only Trailers That Are 102 Inches Have To Register With NHTSA,***
That Is NOT Correct
All Widths Of Trailers That Travel Down National Highways Must Be Registered With NHTSA.
NHTSA Part 565: Obtain a World Manufacturing Identifier (WMI) from the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Application
- NHTSA Part 566: Register With National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Steps
- Follow Federal And State Laws
How Do You Get A Vin Number For The Trailer?
If you have decided that you would like to manufacturer trailers yourself, I have a very valuable resource to share. Meet Chuck Bauman with Trailers USA. Chuck offers many services and products for new potential trailer manufacturers and for those already manufacturing trailers.
Trailer USA Services
US Trailer Manufacturer License
- Trailer USA Guides Trailer Manufacturers To Follow Federal Requirements So The Manufacturer Can Issue Official USDOT /NHTSA 17 Digit Vin Numbers For Your Trailers
- Guides You How To Issue MCO’s On Your Trailers.
- Guidance On How To Self Certify Your Trailer
- Guidance On Bill Of Sale
Front Of Standard MCO
Back Of MCO

What Is An MCO Or MSO?
MCO stands for manufacturers certificate of origin and MSO standards for manufacturers statement of origin. Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO) or Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin (MSO) refers to the original ownership document for a vehicle. The document contains a variety of security features and is provided by the new vehicle dealer and contains specific vehicle information such as the year, make, and VIN.
Note: Some states use the term MSO, and some states use the term MCO, and some states will issue a title for the trailer, and yet other states deem the MSO or MCO as the title.

Trailer USA Products for Sale
- Sells Blank MCO/MSO Forms For Authorized Representatives Of Trailer Manufacturers Including Licensed Dealerships And Distributors
- Bulk Discounts
- Vin Certification And Tire And Loading Labels Required By NHTSA
Contact Chuck Brown With Trailer USA
602 350 4537
Trailer Manufacturing License
MSO and MCO Forms
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