Appendix Q: Tiny Houses
Referring To Tiny Houses On A Foundation

First Printing August 2017
Provisions Contained In This Appendix
Are Not Mandatory Unless Specifically Referenced In The Adopting Reference
It Is Up To Each Municipality And State To Adopt Appendix Q Into
Its Residential Building Code.
Photo Courtesy: Wind River Tiny Homes
Tiny Houses On A Foundation: 400 Square Feet Or Less
Written By Janet Thome
Appendix Q Tiny Houses was approved for inclusion in the 2018 International Residential Code ( IRC ) building code to provide regulations and standards for tiny houses on a foundation that is 400 square feet or less.
The International Residential Code is a comprehensive, stand alone residential code that creates minimum regulations for one-and two family dwellings of three stories or less.
The IRC brings together all building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel, gas, energy and electrical for provisions for one-and two-family residences. Appendix Q was adopted to the IRC building code standards through the ICC Code Developement Process.
Jurisdictions may use Appendix Q as a model code to adopt, reference or amend. Builders or even jurisdictions that have not adopted the 2018 IRC or the Appendix, can seek approval ”on a project basis through the alternative materials and designs provision” in the IRC.-David Eisenberg, co-author of The Strawbale House Book.

The International Code Council (ICC)
Adoptions of the IRC
The International Residential Code (IRC) is in use or adopted in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Wisconsin is the only state not applicable to IRC building codes. In Alaska the IRC is not adopted statewide. The “Deferred Cities” can adopt additional codes and some jurisdictions adopt the IRC and the IECC.
As a model code, the IRC is intended to be adopted in accordance with the laws and procedures of a governmental jurisdiction. When adopting a model code like the IRC, some jurisdictions amend the code in the process to reflect local practices and laws.
Appendix Q is applicable to tiny houses used as single dwelling units. Tiny homes shall comply with this code unless otherwise stated.
From The ICC Learning Center 2018 IRC Update
ICC: ANSI Standard Developer
ICC, the International Code Council, an ANSI Standard Developer ( ASD) is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards related to building safety and fire prevention. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States, ICC standards have been codified and enforced in all 50 American states, as well as in various foreign countries. With nearly 340 chapters worldwide, each with many members, ICC building safety standards are used everywhere.
Back Story Of Appendix Q Tiny Houses
The International Code Council (ICC)
Appendix Q Tiny Houses is the first set of building standards for dwellings ever incorporated into a model code. The story of how the appendix came to be is a great example of how the Code Council works together with stakeholders and industry professionals to develop model code standards for new and innovative technologies as they emerge.
At the hearing, however, one person had testified in “friendly opposition” to the proposal: Martin Hammer, an architect who had co-authored the IRC’s straw-bale construction appendix. Following the hearing, Hammer received a call from his friend Andrew Morrison of TinyHouseBuild.com, a builder and educator who had helped Hammer write the appendix. “Andrew asked if I thought we could submit a different proposal,” Hammer recalled.
Appendix Q: State By State
This is a page is a work in progress, as more states and jurisdictions are added.
List Of Municipality Or State That Has Adopted Appendix Q
Alaska: In Alaska, the IRC is not adopted statewide. The “Deferred Cities” can adopt additional codes and some jurisdictions adopt the IRC and the IECC.
The IBC, IFC, IMC in Alaska are adopted by administrative rulemaking by the Alaska State Fire Marshal. The adopted code by state agencies are mandatory and falls under state inspection programs unless a local jurisdiction has been delegated by the code program as a “deferred jurisdiction.” When this occurs, the local jurisdiction administers and enforces its local program of the adopted state codes.
State Fire Marshall Of Alaska Richard Boothby
Juneau, Alaska has NOT adopted Appendix Q at this time, however, they are usually it as a Guide for residents to build tiny homes on a foundation. I spoke with a few officials and it will take years for any new code changes. August 1st, 2019.
Tiny Homes on mobile chassis will be allowed in certain situations.
Please contact the CDD for more information at 907 586 0715.
New Edition Of Appendix Q IRC: 2021
Martin Hammer-Architect and the original co-author of the Appendix Q Tiny Houses has been the primary proponent of the new edition of Appendix Q 2021. Martin Hammer and the following David Eisenco-proponents have been involved with the editing and public comment process with various degrees of involvement since December 2018.