In Person Meeting And Virtual Option
Frank McConnell, ASTM staff manager of E06 Performance Of Buildings has sent put a notification for ASTM Committee week. The meeting for Tiny Houses has a virtual option and it is scheduled for 12 Noon EST on April 8, 2024.
”I hope all is well. ASTM Committee E06 is currently scheduled to meet, from April 8th-10th, at April Committee Week, in Philadelphia, PA.
Also attached are the meeting links for the Subcommittees that are offering a hybrid option. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. I appreciate your time and hope to see you in Philadelphia. ”
Frank McConnell
Manager, Technical Committee Operations
Meeting Time 12 Noon EST

Photo Courtesy Kingdom Tiny Homes
ASTM Announces New Tiny Houses SubcommitteE E06.26
Within E06 Performance Of Buildings Committee
ASTM International’s committee on performance of buildings (E06) has approved a new subcommittee on tiny houses.
This new subcommittee (E06.26) intends to develop standards for several proposed subject areas for tiny houses, including but not limited to:
- Best building practices
- Test methods
- Certification
- A global quality assurance program
- Requirements and auditing of third parties that provide plan review and inspect tiny houses
- Tiny house community developments
- Micro-grid utilities
- Minimum construction requirements.
“A tiny house is a marketing term, and at this time there is no official definition, classification, or statutory construction method applying to tiny houses on wheels,” says ASTM International member Janet Thome, founder and president of Tiny House Alliance USA.
“The common link globally for tiny houses is that we don’t have standards that are unique to our own industry,” says Janet Thome, ASTM member and founder and president of Tiny House Alliance USA. She was involved in the effort to establish the new subcommittee. “Is a tiny home on wheels a building or a vehicle? Well, it’s actually both. We’re excited to be able to help make those determinations as part of ASTM now.”
The subcommittee is in the process of assembling its membership, but once the group is established, it plans to begin developing its own standards, starting with tiny-house terminology and creating a uniform construction standard for tiny houses on wheels that will result in a new classification of housing. As Thome explains, that standard is particularly needed by the industry because these structures today fall through the cracks of existing regulations. “We’re not an RV, we’re not a modular home, we’re not a manufactured home. We’re trying to introduce something brand new; something that doesn’t exist.”
Calling All Tiny House Stakeholders

The Tiny Houses subcommittee is open to all and every voice matters. Please Join Us!
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April 2, 2024
The Future Of Tiny Is Now!
Janet Thome Founder And President
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