Should The Off-Site Industry Follow Virginia's Lead ?
On April 4, 2023, ICC issued a news release announcing a new standard/THIA Standard 1215: Design, Construction, Inspection and Regulation of Tiny Houses for Permanent Occupancy. The news release states:
” ICC/THIA Standard 1215 will be based on existing requirements contained in the 2021 International Residential Code® (IRC), including Appendix AQ and ICC/MBI Standards 1205 and 1200 where applicable, and will continue to be published in the IRC as Appendix AQ, as well as a standalone resource. ”
ICC News Release April 4, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Decathlon Tiny Homes

Tiny House Requirements Need To Be Established
In my opinion, tiny house requirements need to established, they do not already exist. Both ICC/MBI 1200 and 1205 apply to modular construction. Appendix AQ Tiny House is a voluntary code and ICC/MBI 1200 and 1205 are voluntary standards and are not inclusive in the IRC or the IBC, and in fact both standards were turned down 13 to 1 at the 2024 IBC hearing. There have already been 3 calls discussing the tiny house standard development for 1215, and I have asked that they consider a work group on certification. I am hoping that will be seriously considered. I also feel there should be an open discussion regarding the documents that the standards will be based on and whether it will increase the costs of construction for tiny houses.
I have asked that the minimum requirements for third parties start at ASTME541 in ICC/MBI 1205, which is the minimum in the marketplace, but I have been continually told that 1205 replaced ASTME541, but I disagree based on my research that HUD and 10 states still reference ASTME541.
My other reason for requesting that ICC/MBI 1205 be amended to include ASTME541, is because Pacific West Associates meets the requirements of ASTME541, and their subsidiary Pacific West Tiny Homes ( PWTH) certifies tiny houses and is on the 1215 committee, along with 4 tiny house manufacturers that PWTH certifies, that are also on the committee.
Both ICC/MBI 1200 and 1205 state that they they are the minimum requirements. I do not agree.
ICC News Release January 3, 2024
The Commonwealth of Virginia Revolutionizes the Building Industry by Being the First State to Adopt ICC/MBI Off-Site Construction Standards
Richmond, Virginia – The Commonwealth of Virginia has approved the adoption of ICC/MBI Standards 1200 and 1205 as a part of their adoption package of the International Code Council’s suite of 2021 International Codes®. The Commonwealth becomes the first state to adopt the ICC/MBI Standards for Off-site Construction and is the first jurisdiction to do so since Salt Lake City adopted the standards in 2021.
The adoption of ICC/MBI Standards 1200 and 1205 was led by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development and will become effective on January 18, 2024. This underscores the Commonwealth’s commitment and leadership in establishing uniformity in off-site construction regulation.

ASTME541 Is Inclusive In Virginia's State Statute
Maybe Virginia, is setting the best path to follow, they have adopted ICC/MBI 1200 and 1205 and ASTME541 is listed in Virginia’s state regulations and will supersede incorporated standards if there are differing requirements.
The ICC news release did not mention ASTME541.
I knew that Virginia had previously referenced ASTME541 before, so I reached out to Jeff Brown, and asked him if ASTME541 was still relevant. This was his answer.
” While we did incorporate 1200 & 1205, which include different accreditation requirements, the ASTM E541 accreditation is still listed in our state regulations, and where there are differing requirements between the regulations and incorporated standards, the regulations supersede, so the ASTM E541 accreditation is still acceptable in Virginia. ”
State Building Codes Office Director
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
Current ASTME541 Adoptions
I have compiled a list of the 10 states that reference ASTME541, along with HUD, and relevant documents supporting my research. There could be more states and there are several countries referencing ASTME541 as well, The following states reference ASTME541, Virginia, California, Illinois, Georgia, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Minnesota, North Dakota, and New Jersey. The last four states follow the provisions of The Industrialized Interstate Building Commission.
Note: Wisconsin is listed on my PDF with the state adoption of ASTME541, but it is a very dated document, so I need to do more research on that state.

Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
April 10, 2024
The Future Of Tiny Is Now!
Janet Thome Founder And President
509 345 2013

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