House Representative District 23
Chris Kennedy, the House Representative for District 23, Lakewood and Jefferson County, Colorado is endorsing the establishment of a new committee with ASTM to develop new standards for tiny houses.
”The proposal for an ASTM Tiny House Standards Committee, in my opinion, marks an excellent first step in ensuring that there are universal and global standards that will address basic health, building, and other critical safety requirements necessary for the successful promotion of this housing stock.”
Thank You Joe Callantine
Special thanks go to Joe Callantine, CEO of Life Size Tiny Communities for making the connection with Chris Kennedy and for procuring a letter of endorsement, and to encourage ASTM to grant the tiny house industry a new committee to develop tiny house standards.
Endorsement From Chris Kennedy For ASTM Tiny House Standards

About The ASTM Tiny House Standards Initiative
Janet Thome, the founder and President of Tiny House Alliance USA is leading an exploratory initiative with ASTM to develop voluntary consensus standards for the tiny house industry.
Janet has gathered a group of interested stakeholders with diverse contributions to gauge the interest of the tiny house industry and we have been meeting with the new business development team of ASTM to voice our opinions regarding the industry, why we need standards, what types of standards are needed and how we could collaborate globally.
We have been preparing for the new business development team to present a proposal to COTCO ( Committee on technical committees operations ), the board that grants new committees. 150 countries will have the possibility of joining our standards development to create uniformity without borders.
Everyone has been invited to our meetings and we have published our intentions.
Together, the stakeholders wrote a proposal that included the title of our committee, the scope, and initial standards and subcommittees to be presented to COTCO.
The proposal was unanimously approved on July 27th, 2021 and the new business development team is preparing to present our proposal along with our many letters of endorsement to COTCO.
When and if our committee is approved, we will go through all the official ASTM procedures and protocol and we will elect officers, write bylaws, and every word of the proposal will be voted on and edited by the official committee.
We have a potential of a minimum of 25 elected officers, for the main committee and subcommittees.
The Scope
The focus of this committee is the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards for tiny houses, with attention to safety, quality, uniformity, reliability, consumer confidence, and ethical business practices, including, but not limited to, best building practices, test methods, certification, a global quality assurance program, requirements and auditing of 3rd parties that provide plan review and inspect tiny houses, tiny house community developments, micro-grid utilities, and minimum construction requirements.
The work of this committee will be coordinated with other ASTM technical committees and other national and international organizations having mutual or related interests.
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