Would You Like To Participate And Develop New Building Standards For Tiny Houses?
The Tiny House Alliance USA would appreciate it if we could get some help to collect the data around the world. We are desiring to document what municipalities are allowing tiny houses, are in the midst of figuring that out, or would like more information.
We have created a survey that would really help us if this can be filled out and shared.
Survey: Does Your Municipality Allow Tiny Houses?
New Building Standards For Tiny Houses With An Exploratory Initiative With ASTM
Next Meeting July 27th, 2021 5PM EST

The Tiny House Alliance USA is leading an exploratory initiative with ASTM to develop new global standards for tiny houses. We have been working with new business development with ASTM and we just passed our informal vote to have our initiative pitched to the board of ASTM.
Overview Of The Scope For A New Tiny House Standards Committee
The scope of the ASTM Tiny House Standards Committee is to develop global standards for tiny houses, with attention to safety, quality, uniformity, reliability, and consumer confidence. Tiny houses on wheels will be a primary focus to write best building practices, proven methods, and minimum construction requirement standards.
The tiny house on wheels building standards will address all life, health, fire, road safety, and regulations, incorporating seismic, thermal, wind, and roof load requirements and regulations, when applicable, utilizing zone maps to address differing climates in geographical regions. The zones will be applicable to where the home is placed ( Not The Location Where It Is Built ).
The ASTM Tiny House Committee will define a tiny house on wheels, promoting a common language between countries, consumers, jurisdictions, manufacturers, organizations, and government officials.
The results of the ASTM Tiny House Committee will open the doors for attainable and affordable housing across the world. The committee will standardize procedures from start to finish, to include, but not limited to, minimum requirements for manufacturing facilities, builder requirements and certification, requirements, and auditing of 3rd party agencies that inspect tiny houses, product certification, and a global quality assurance program for the manufacturer.
Initial Standards Discussion
Discussion of initial standards
- Standard for tiny houses on wheels
- Standard for tiny houses on skids
- Standard for tiny house trailers
- Quality Control Manual For Manufacturer
- Certification: Minimum requirements for manufacturing facilities and builders. Inspection requirements, 3rd party agencies, audit requirements of 3rd party agencies. Possible adoption of ASTM E541.
Companion Standard: Foundation When Required
A foundation that could be removable such as tie-downs, a Diamond Pier Foundation, Stopdigging Steel Ground Screws as suggestions, satisfying both DOT and a building department requirement if the jurisdiction requires a foundation for permanent living, allowing a tiny house on wheels to be mobile, permanent and to be mobile again for relocation purposes.
- Removable Foundation Standard
Standard for Tiny House Communities
Establishing appropriate protocols to protect lives and property for tiny houses placed in clusters and communities with the possible referencing of NFPA 1194, NFPA 1144, NFPA 501, NFPA 501A, NFPA 501A, and NFPA 5000
The Future Of Affordable Housing Will Be The Shared Cost Of Infrastructure
G.Standard for Tiny House Communities
- Micro-Grid for Utilities