Welcome Jerry Carrier, IAPMO Senior Vice President Of UES And IBT
We are very excited to announce that Jerry Carrier, the IAPMO senior vice president of Uniform Evaluation Services ( UES ) and the Institute of Building Technology (IBT) has joined the ASTM International E06.26 Tiny Houses subcommittee, a newly formed subcommittee within E06 Performance of Buildings committee.
IAPMO oordinates the development and adaptation of plumbing, mechanical, swimming pool and solar energy codes to meet the specific needs of individual jurisdictions both in the United States and abroad. IAPMO develops and publishes the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC); Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC); Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code (USPSHTC); and the Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code (USEHC), which as of 2018 is known as the Uniform Solar, Hydronics and Geothermal Code (USHGC).
Jerry Carrier is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a bachelor’s degree in architecture, Carrier joined Glen-Gery Corp., one of the largest brick and stone manufacturers in the United States, in 1989 as a design advisor. He was promoted to director of technical services in 2001 and director of research and development in 2008. He brings more than 15 years’ experience in strategic and technical/business leadership in addition to his 30-plus years of providing design, detailing and installation advice to owners, architects, engineers, contractors and masons to ensure code compliance, durability and performance.
Carrier has been a member of multiple ASTM committees for more than two decades and currently serves on the executive committee of C15 as a fellow. He is proficient developing innovative and unique programs and techniques that result in successful technical training programs and pioneering wall systems.
UES provides summary reports specifically for the structural products industry. These documents demonstrate product/material/system/design compliance to applicable codes and standards, expediting approvals within the building industry. Accredited by ANSI to ISO/IEC 17065, Uniform ES is recognized for accurate, thorough, and timely creation of these necessary specification tools.
Backed by more than 20 years of testing, codes and standards experience, IBT is a trusted name for independent testing, research, and technical services in the construction products industry. IBT is capable of testing a variety of products for the construction industry in accordance with acceptance and evaluation criteria and nationally recognized standards, as well as providing special services such as research and development, training, quality assurance, failure analysis and witness/field testing.

Backstory On E06.26 Tiny Houses
ASTM International’s committee on performance of buildings (E06) has approved a new subcommittee on tiny houses.
The subcommittee intends to address a lack of express, unified standards for tiny houses, as throughout the world they have been variously designated as impermanent residences or grouped together with recreational vehicles and caravans. An initial primary focus of the subcommittee will be to develop a uniform construction standard for a tiny house on wheels that will result in a new classification of housing.
“A tiny house is a marketing term, and at this time there is no official definition, classification, or statutory construction method applying to tiny houses on wheels,” says ASTM International member Janet Thome, founder and president of Tiny House Alliance USA. “The lack of uniform industry standards has sparked court cases, titling issues, unsafe building practices, the lack of financing and zoning, and a global debate: is a tiny house on wheels a building or a vehicle?”
ASTM Tiny Houses Subcommittee Initial Standards Activity
At the Dec.19th, 2022 meeting, the members were introduced to Frank McConnell, the ASTM staff member in charge of the Tiny Houses subcommittee and to Julia Schimmelpennigh, the chair. Frank has been an amazing, attentive staff manager and we are very excited to have Julia as our chair that we will be able to glean over 32 years of experience with ASTM International.
There were 45 members in attendance and Frank presented a new members orientation. Julia listed the scope of the subcommittee and 6 initial standards that the members will be developing based on the COTCO ( Committee On Technical Committees Operations) approval.
Learn More About The COTCO approval.

Photo Courtesy Wind River Tiny Homes
ASTM Press Releases: Tiny Houses
Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
Janet Thome Founder And President
Dec. 30th, 2022
The Future Of Tiny Is Now!

Photo Courtesy Teacup Tiny Homes Tiny House Alliance USA Commercial Member And Sponsor