Join The New ASTM Subcommittee On Tiny Houses E06.26

Welcome All Tiny House Stakeholders

Announcement from Frank McConnell, ASTM Staff Manager Of E06-Performance of Buildings.

Current Status Of The Tiny House Subcommittee

Following up on our discussion yesterday, and a few of your points raised below, please see the current status of Subcommittee E06.26 on Tiny Houses:


  • Subcommittee E06.26 on Tiny Houses has been approved, and is currently active on the ASTM Website.  The Subcommittee is now open for any interested parties to join the Subcommittee.  Attached below is information on how to join ASTM as a Member, and how to join the Subcommittee if you are currently a member.
  • ASTM Staff is currently working on developing (with your assistance – thank you) a Press Release on E06.26.  This Press Release will be distributed over ASTM’s Social Channels.
  • Along with the Press Release, ASTM Staff will also initiate a Membership Drive to inform both existing ASTM Technical Committees, as well as relevant stakeholder groups outside of ASTM, of the formation of this new Subcommittee.  This should assist in generating participation from all interested parties, from a wide variety of Industry Sectors.
  • Upon the Subcommittee gaining a critical mass of members, it is my intention to provide several New Member Orientation Sessions to the Members of E06.26.  These Sessions will be an overview of the ASTM Process and allow for new members to ask questions regarding Balloting, Negative Votes, Committee Operations, etc. 


With the Subcommittee now active, at this point, we can begin to focus on the development of needed standards.  Attached is an infographic outlining the different types of ASTM Standards.  This may help provide some context for when we begin to register Work Items for the Subcommittee.  Note that ASTM can also provide individual templates for the multiple types of standards we develop – these are located here:

Click For Templates:


ASTM Image

How To Join As A Member

The link below will walk you through the steps needed to join ASTM. Upon joining ASTM you will be able to register to be a member of Committee E06, and more specifically, Subcommittee E06.26. Once you have joined E06/E06.26, you will be able to access information about the Committee/Subcommittee on the ASTM Website.


How To join E06.26 If You Are Currently A Member:

If you access your MyCommittees Page, you are able to join Additional Committees/Subcommittees.  This can be done underneath the “Membership” Tab on the left side of your MyCommittees Page.  By clicking on the “Manage Committees” link, you will be able to join E06.26 as a member.

List Of E06 Subcommittees


Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
Nov. 4th, 2022

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Janet Thome Founder And President
509 345 2013

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