Act Regarding The Regulation Of Tiny Houses

An Act Regarding The Regulation Of Tiny Houses LD 1981
Signed By Governor Janet T. Mills Brown: March18th, 2020
Maine- An Act Regarding The Regulation Of Tiny Houses ”LD 1981, sponsored by Senator Michael Carpenter was signed by Governor Janet T. Mills Brown on March 18th, 2020. This bill proposes to define what a tiny house is and to allow for the titling of a tiny house as a camp trailer or a trailer. An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Homes Emergency preamble.
Whereas, acts and resolves of the Legislature do not become effective until90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and Whereas, the Secretary of State, industry, and individuals have an urgent need to clarify the regulatory landscape so that tiny homes can be registered and titled and the industry may resume production; and Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now, therefore,
Tiny House Law Passed In Maine
”An Act Regarding The Regulation Of Tiny Houses ”
LD 1981, sponsored by Senator Michael Carpenter was signed by Governor Janet T. Mills Brown on March 18th, 2020. This bill proposes to define what a tiny house is and to allow for the titling of a tiny house as a camp trailer or a trailer.
80-C. Tiny home. “Tiny home” means a living space permanently constructed on a frame or chassis and designed for use as permanent living quarters that:
A. Complies with American National Standards Institute standard A 119.5 on plumbing, propane, fire and life safety and construction or National Fire Protection Association standard 1192 on plumbing, propane, and fire and life safety for recreational vehicles;
B. Does not exceed 400 square feet in size;
C. Does not exceed any dimension allowed for operation on a public way under this Title; and
D. Is a vehicle without motive power?
From Tiny Homes Of Maine Facebook Jan. 31st, 2020
The hearing went well yesterday! Thank you if you were able to attend in person to give testimony! There were over 20 written testimonies online as well so thank you for that! We have another meeting in Augusta on Monday and the work session for the bill on Thursday. Getting closer! You can listen to the hearing and all the testimonies below. If the link doesn’t work for you – go directly to Maine Legislature website to to listen to the hearing on Jan 30th in front of the transportation committee. Skip to 1:46:25 for LD1981.
Bill aims to help tiny home owners in Maine get financing Feb. 3th, 2020
AUGUSTA (WGME) — A proposed bill would help tiny home owners in Maine get financing.
Many people gave testimony in support of setting clearer regulations for tiny homes in Maine.
The public hearing comes after owners hit a road block last year when the DMV stopped registering tiny homes as RVs. That impacts people trying to get financing for them.
Bipartisan Bill Would Unleash Tiny Homes In Maine Jan. 29th, 2020
Lawmakers on Maine’s Transportation Committee will hold a public hearing Thursday on LD 1981, “An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Houses.” The hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. in Room 126 of the State House.
LD 1981 is a concept draft that would define what a tiny home is and classify tiny homes on wheels as trailers or camp trailers, allowing them to be titled and registered again after the Secretary of State sent a letter to municipal officials in 2019 ordering them to end the practice.
Related: Committee Unanimously Supports Sen. Carpenter Bill To allow Tiny Homes To Flourish
On Thursday, Feb. 6, the Legislature’s Transportation Committee unanimously supported LD 1981, “An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Houses” from Sen. Mike Carpenter, D-Houlton, which defines tiny homes in Maine statute and allows them to be titled through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.Â
LD 1981 ensures that tiny homes can be built and sold in Maine, reversing a previous mandate issued from the Secretary of State in June 2019, which banned issuing titles and registrations for tiny homes.
“I’m glad committee members see the wisdom in allowing the tiny home industry to grow,” said Sen. Carpenter. “People are interested in owning them, so we should foster that and welcome the new jobs this industry can bring to the County.”
An amendment adopted on Thursday by the Transportation Committee added an emergency clause, so LD 1981 would go into effect immediately upon becoming law. The amendment also allows for transit permits under certain circumstances, such as moving the tiny home from the location of purchase.
LD 1981 now goes to the Maine Senate
Backstory: Mobile Tiny Houses In Maine Hit A Major Roadblock
One of the attractions of tiny houses is the ability to place the small structures on a trailer with wheels, creating a mobile — or portable — dwelling. This allows the occupants the option of moving whenever the mood strikes them.
But this modern-day nomadic lifestyle hit a roadblock in Maine this past summer when municipalities were notified by the Maine Secretary of State that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles would no longer register, assign vehicle identification numbers to or title tiny homes on wheels.
The registration and title rules change in Maine does not impact tiny homes that are built or placed on permanent footings or foundations.

Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
The Future Of Tiny Is Now!
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509 345 2013
Founder Of Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins