Stakeholders Call Jan. 26th, 2022
The state of Colorado is inviting stakeholders from the tiny house industry on a call on Jan. 26th, 2022 at 4 PM Mountain time. The bill is sponsored by Representative Cathy Kipp, Senator Joann Ginal, and Senator Dennis Hisey, A Big Thank You goes to Joe Callantine, the CEO of Life Size Tiny Communities for making the connection with Representative Cathy Kipp, who encouraged that ASTM International grant a committee to the tiny house industry to develop and maintain standards specific to tiny houses.

Update On The ASTM Tiny House Standards Committee
I just had a meeting today with ASTM International with the new business development team in charge of our tiny house initiative. They introduced me to the permanent staff member that will be assigned to our tiny house committee today and they told me the secretary of COTCO, ( Committees On Technical Committees Operations) has our proposal and will be introducing our initiative to the rest of the COTCO board, hopefully within the next 2 weeks. COTCO is the governing board that grants new committees. ASTM International has 140 technical committees already.
After their review, we will have one more final approval with the ASTM International board. The new business development team hopes we will have final approval, no later than the end of February, but hopefully mid-February. They also feel very positive regarding our approval.
Learn More About The ASTM Tiny House Committee
About The Call
Cathy Kipp is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Stakeholder Meeting for Tiny Homes Bill
Time: Jan 26th, 2022, 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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A Bill For An Act
Bill Summary
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced and does not reflect any amendments that may be subsequently adopted. If this bill passes third reading in the house of introduction, a bill summary that applies to the reengrossed version of this bill will be available at
Current law regulates the manufacturers, sellers, and installers of manufactured homes. This regulation includes requirements for the installation of manufactured homes, contract and disclosure requirements, and the registration, escrow, reimbursement, bonding, and inspections of the manufacturers, installers, and sellers. In addition, the state housing
Update: The Bill Is Already Being Edited From The Results Of The Phone Calls
Related Colorado Leads The Way To Legalize Tiny Houses
Become A Stakeholder
Email Cathy Kipp To Be Add As A Stakeholder at ca*********@gm***.com
I am very supportive of the legislation for tiny homes legislation for Colorado. I have researched the homes since 2016. I have toured homes in Dallas, and Seattle.
I would be very interested in serving on a legislation committee. I would bring my 35 years as a professional firefighter, fire marshal, and fire investigator to offer a balance as a subject matter expert. Please feel free to contact me for a resume or discuss this valuable bill for our communities. Af******@gm***.com
Contact Cathy Kipp to be on the stakeholder’s list. ca*********@gm***.com