Expanding The Ability To Build Tiny Houses
Wa. State HB 2001 is a brand new tiny house bill that has been introduced to the house that Todd Mckellips just made me aware of. Todd is the owner/builder of Seattle Tiny Homes and an amazing tiny house advocate and the founder of the Washington Tiny House Association. In 2019 the legislature ( HB5383 ) enacted a statutory framework encouraging the construction of tiny houses and tiny house communities. These homes provide a unique opportunity in the affordable housing market. It is the objective of the legislatre to facilitate more developent of housing that people with lower incomea can own and remove barriers that would prevent the development of tiny houses and tiny house communities.
Bill History
Sponsors: Representatives McCaslin, Graham, Jacobsen, Chase, and Sutherland
AN ACT Relating to expanding the ability to build tiny houses;
amending RCW 36.70A.540; and creating new sections
Wa State HB 2001
Message From Todd McKellips
URGENT NOTICE! While We Have Made Great Strides In Legislation The Job Is Not Done. Please write your legislator asking tiny houses to be used as DADUs and eliminate impact fees plus permits.
DADUs -Detached Accessorary Dweling Units
Contact Washington State Tiny House Association To Find Out More About Participating In The Bill

Todd Breaks It Down
Related: Washington State Regulation Of Tiny Houses