PSE Consulting Engineers Joins ASTM Tiny Houses Subcommittee

Nabil Taha Is The Principle Engineer Of PSE Consulting Engineers

Nabil Taha, the founder and principal engineer of PSE Consulting Engineers has joined the ASTM Tiny Houses Subcommittee E06.26 within the E06 Performance Of Building Committee. Nabil will be the technical contact for a standard on tiny house foundations. We are honored to have Nabil’s over 40 years plus experience and expertise.


About PSE Consulting Engineers

PSE Consulting Engineering, INC is an Oregon-based firm located in Klamath Falls and Medford. Nabil Taha, is the founder and principle engineer.

Precision Structural Engineering INC.,  (now PSE Consulting Engineers) was formed in 1998 by Dr. Nabil Taha, a Professor of Engineering at the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT). Since then, Dr. Taha has retired from OIT to commit all his time and experience to PSE.

PSE Consulting Engineers provides top-quality engineering services in Oregon and across the United States. They are licensed in all 50 states as well as the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, & Saskatchewan. They have also completed numerous international projects.

PSE Consulting Engineering INC Services

PSE Consulting Engineers, Inc. Inc. offers a broad range of services to the construction industry, contractors and owners including:

Why Is A ASTM Standard On Foundations Needed?

A good example of why a standard for tiny house foundations is needed is the state of Colorado is developing rule-making for tiny homes on a chassis that will be allowed to be lived in as a full-time residence,  hooked up to utilities, and on a permanent, or temporary foundation.


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