
Richmond, Ca. Tiny Houses On Wheels Project

Pilot Project Extended Through July 25th, 2021 – ORDINANCE NO. 07-19 N.S.

Richmond California amended chapter 9.40.015 of the Richmond Municipal Code entitled ” Tiny Houses On Wheels Pilot Project” ORDINANCE NO.07-19 N.S.and was approved by Mayor Tom Butt. The ordinance was signed by Pamela Christian, the City Clerk of the City Of Richmond and was created in answer to the growing homeless population in Richmond.

The Tiny Houses On Wheels Pilot Project has been extended to July 25th, 2021.

Section One

Chapter 9.40.015 “Tiny Houses on Wheels Pilot Project” of the Richmond Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows:


9.40.015 Tiny Houses on Wheels Pilot Project

A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to evaluate the feasibility of allowing Tiny Houses on Wheels to be used as Accessory Dwelling Units as part of a pilot project under certain conditions. B. Definition: Tiny House on Wheels. – a structure intended for separate, independent living quarters for one household that meets these six conditions:

1)Is licensed and registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles and meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 119.2 or 119.5 requirements;

2) Is towable by a bumper hitch, frame-towing hitch, or fifth-wheel connection. Cannot (and is designed not to) move under its own power.

3) Is no larger than allowed by California State Law for movement on public highways;

4) Has at least 100 square feet of first floor interior living space;

5) Is a detached self-contained unit which includes basic functional areas that support normal daily routines such as cooking, sleeping, and toiletry; and

6) Is designed and built to look like a conventional building structure.

B. For the purposes of this Section, the pilot project will allow not more than six Tiny Houses on Wheels to be occupied and issued a zoning compliance certificate. The time period for the pilot project shall begin following adoption of this Section and shall terminate 36 months thereafter.

C. Tiny Houses on Wheels that are part of the pilot project may be located in any zoning district where residential uses are allowed, with or without a conditional use permit, including non-residential districts where residential uses are allowed as an accessory use.

D. Tiny Houses on Wheels shall comply with standards of the Zoning code RMC 15.04.610.020 Accessory Dwelling Units.

E. Occupants of Tiny Houses on Wheels regulated by this section shall be limited to homeless individuals recognized as such by the Contra Costa County Health Services, Health, Housing & Homeless Services.

F. At the conclusion of the pilot project, the director of planning and building shall prepare and submit an evaluation of the project to the City Council.

Richmond California Tiny Houses On Wheels Project ORDINANCE NO. 07-19 N.S.

Richmond, California- House Trailers Regulated

Municipal Code 9.40.010 - House trailers regulated.

Except as described in Section 9.40.015, no person owning or controlling any trailer, house car, tent or similar structure shall cause or permit the same to be used as a dwelling habitation or sleeping accommodation within the City of Richmond except in trailer camps for which a conditional use permit granted under the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City of Richmond is in effect. Provided, however, that a trailer, house car, tent or similar structure not in a trailer camp may be used as a temporary sleeping accommodation for periods of time totaling not more than twenty-one days in any calendar year, if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) That no rent is paid or other consideration given to anyone for the use and occupancy of any site or parcel of land by the occupant of the trailer, house car, tent or similar structure;

( 2) That no cooking or bathing is permitted therein;

( 3) That no nuisance is created by such use;

( 4) That such trailer, house car, tent or similar structure complies with the requirements of size and lot location prescribed for accessory buildings in single-family districts by the zoning ordinance;

( 5) That such trailer, house car, tent or similar structure is located on a lot on which there is a single-family or duplex dwelling house in use as such;

( 6) That not more than one such trailer, house car, tent or similar structure is so used at any time on a single lot;

(7) That a certificate of occupancy therefor is first obtained in the manner prescribed by Section 6.02.240 of the Building Regulations Administrative Code;

Richmond, California Location

The City of Richmond is located 16 miles northeast of San Francisco, directly across San Francisco Bay. Richmond is on a peninsula separating San Francisco Bay (on the south) and San Pablo Bay (to the north), and the city has 32 total miles of shoreline. The city’s total area is 56.0 square miles, of which 33.7 are land area and 22.3 are water area.

Richmond’s central location. Richmond is situated near major metropolitan cities and major new growth areas. San Francisco is within 35 minutes from Richmond by freeway; Oakland is 20 minutes; San Jose is approximately one hour’s drive to the south; and Sacramento, the state capitol, is approximately 90 minutes to the east. Central Marin County is 15 minutes from Richmond directly across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.


Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
The Future Of Tiny Is Now!
Janet Thome Founder And President
509 345 2013
Founder Of Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins