Saint Tiny Homes Is A Scam

Also Known As Brooks Tiny homes

Several people have called me  about Saint Tiny Homes, which is a fraudulent company that is selling nonexistent homes. This scam is sadly too prevalent and many scammers are using the playbook.  The only good news is because there are so many scammers, it is becoming more easy to recognize. They are using the address of California Tiny House.

Their Website

Red Flags Listed Below.

Red Flags

  • They will not talk to you on the phone. Only chat on their website or email.
  • They use the address of a well known California builder.
  • They say they are NOAH certified. NOT-
  • They say their trailer is Trailer Made- NOT.
  • Using All Stolen Photos
  • Prices Way Too LOW- Run.
  • Will Not Use Paypal
  • Stolen photos from a trailer manufacturer.
  • Stolen photos from plans from a different website.
  • They are using the address of California Tiny House.

What Is Their Goal ?

Saint Tiny Homes is selling nonexistent homes to get a quick deposit, and sadly some have fallen for the scam and is  the reason I want to make people aware of the fact they cannot be trusted and you will never get a tiny home.   I chatted with them the other day and below is the chat.

07 Jan, 2025
[09:04]Janet: Are you certified
[09:05]Janet: where is your factory
[09:05]live assistant : Yes we are certified business
[09:05]Janet: I mean the 3rd party that certifies the tiny houses on wheels
[09:06]Janet: Can I visit you today
[09:06]live assistant : Yes we are NOAH certified and part of the BBB
[09:06]live assistant : Yes you can visit
[09:06]Janet: What is the address
[09:06]live assistant : 3630 N Hazel Ave Fresno, CA 93722
[09:07]Janet: I am confused you use 2 names
[09:07]Janet: Brooks and Saint?
[09:07]Janet: Need Something Fast can you rent to own
[09:08]live assistant : We are Saint but brooks tiny homes is still working with us
[09:08]live assistant : Yes we do rent to own with pay as low as $300 per month
[09:08]Janet: What trailer manufacturer do you use
[09:09]live assistant : We use charter trucks
[09:10]Janet: I mean the trailer the tiny house on wheels is built on
[09:10]Janet: What is the down payment?
[09:11]Janet: I need 2 bedrooms
[09:11]live assistant : We use bumper pull
[09:11]live assistant : The down is $1000
[09:12]live assistant : Yes we have two bedrooms available
[09:12]Janet: what trailer manufacturer, it has to be NHTSA compliant
[09:14]live assistant : Trailer made
[09:14]Janet: Great- they are the best
[09:15]live assistant : Yes
[09:15]Janet: What Is Your Warranty
[09:15]live assistant : You have a warranty of 10 years including all appliances
[09:15]Janet: Can I send you money through paypal?
[09:16]live assistant : We accept our payment via Cashapp Zelle Apple Pay Chime Bank transfer
[09:17]live assistant : As a matter of fact we also prioritize your safety as well as that of the company
[09:17]live assistant : You can check our reviews on our site to make you know we actually certified
[09:21]Janet: can you send me the wire transfer details and contract for the simplest 2 bedroom tiny house on wheels please and rent to own contact?
[09:21]Janet: Is it easy to find parking to live in them?
[09:22]live assistant : Ok do you have other payments methods
[09:23]live assistant : Yes it’s easier to get parking to live in them
[09:25]live assistant : Will it be possible you do cashapp

How To Spot A Tiny House Fraudster

Have you ever seen a commercial that showed a person laughing hysterically because they just fooled another unsuspecting customer who just sent them money for a service they will never receive to a scammer who is pretending to be offering a real service?

The tiny house industry is now flourishing with absolute scammers. They are pretending to be legitimate builders, even using their name, and address, and photos. This is especially flourishing in the internet in Facebook groups. There are also cloned Facebook pages and fake websites. Sadly, half the Facebook groups are run by the scammers and the scammer is the admin.

Are you getting the nagging feeling that the tiny house builder you have been speaking to through texting, Facebook messaging, or other methods might not really be a real builder at all and you are becoming curious about their real identity? For all you know they could be an alligator farmer in Florida, or in a phone boiler room overseas, or just your average scammer using a lap top on the beach, drinking margaritas looking for an easy target to scam.

Learn More




Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
Feb. 20, 2025

The Future Of Tiny Is Now!
Janet Thome Founder And President
509 345 2013