News That Progresses The Tiny House Industry
And Addresses Affordable Housing
A New Global Standard
Why A Global Standard
Tiny Houses On Wheels

Tiny Houses On Wheels
With ASTM ?
Barriers To Living Legally
Today was the first meeting with ASTM ( American Society Of Testing Materials ) to explore an initiative to create a new long awaited Global Standard For Tiny Houses On Wheels. Janet Thome, the founder and President Of Tiny House Alliance USA is the proponent leading this initiative.
ASTM is one of the largest ANSI accredited international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.
We have the potential to include 150 countries as stakeholders. We had representatives from the US, Canada, China and Australia.
ASTM is ANSI Accredited international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.
We have the potential to include 150 countries as stakeholders. We had representatives from the US, Canada, China and Australia.
Many countries are facing the same barriers for acceptance for tiny houses on wheels as a viable option for housing.
ASTM has relationships with all the governments of the world that will be invited to participate.
Tiny Houses On Wheels-How many municipalities across the globe are asking the question ”Is A Tiny House On Wheels A Building Or A Vehicle?
There are numerous associations that have formed across the globe representing the stakeholders to implement change in legislation and zoning to legalize tiny houses to become a viable solution to housing. There are think tanks, affordable housing summits, festivals and meeting after meeting occurring, all with the goal to create more legal places to live.
At this time, there is not one unified industry standard that is recognized for tiny houses on wheels and each jurisdiction, bank, insurance agency, etc… could have a different definition and criteria to deny or allow them.
Tiny houses on wheels are most commonly built with RV and Park Model standards.
Lyons County, NV New Tiny House Regulations
Lyon County, NV Votes To Postpone Tiny House Regulations
Nevada SB150 Requirements For Tiny Houses

SB150 Follows Appendix Q Tiny House
As Required By SB 150
An Act Relating To Housing Introduced On 2/26/2021
Source Nevada Appeal -Jessica Garcia Jan.26th, 2022- The Lyon County Commission approved a code amendment last week that directs staff to proceed with establishing its regulations and uses for tiny houses as accessory dwelling units.
The item, returning after discussion during the board’s Jan. 6 meeting, addresses the 2021 Nevada Legislature’s Senate Bill 150 requirement that the governing bodies of counties incorporate regulations regarding tiny houses to be used as single-family dwelling units under certain circumstances. SB 150 follows Appendix Q of the International Residential Code, prescribed by the International Code Council, which defines tiny houses as dwellings that are 400 square feet or less in floor area excluding lofts.
Tiny houses, as required by the 2018 IRC, must have a living area, kitchen and bathroom that can be built to fit within the 400-square-foot area.
Source: Nevada Appeal Jan. 11th. 2022- The Lyon County Commission voted to postpone action on the community development item calling for options on the development of “tiny house” regulations as required by Nevada’s Senate Bill 150 at Thursday’s regular board meeting after code enforcement issues were raised.
SB150 in the Nevada legislative session was approved and signed last year by Gov. Steve Sisolak and allows local governments to use the structures as single-family dwelling units to be built, used, rented, leased or occupied for living purposes. According to the 2018 International Residential Code, a tiny house must include a living area, kitchen and bathroom that can fit within 400 square feet or less.
Nevada SB150- N ACT relating to housing; setting forth certain requirements for a tiny house and a tiny house park; requiring the governing body of a city or county to authorize tiny houses in certain zoning districts; revising certain requirements for the issuance of receipts to tenants of manufactured home parks; and providing other matters properly relating there to.
Newberry, Fl. Considers Tiny Homes
Atlanta Affordable
Goose Creek, SC Tiny House Guide

Call To Action: Jan. 11th, 2020
Housing And Zoning Reforms
400 Square Feet Or Less
Newberry, Florida -Tiny homes and tiny home communities have been a topic of discussion in several meetings and were discussed at the city planners’ public Zoom meeting on Nov. 2nd, 2020. The next scheduled Newberry City Commission meetings will take place on Jan. 11 and 25, 2021.
Topics Of Discussion Include: Based On A 400 Square Foot Tiny House On A Foundation
- Parking Requirements
- Landscaping
- Type Of Communities Allowed
- Lot Sizes
- Common Areas
- Common Storage Area
- Set Backs
- Permitting Tiny Home Communities By Right Or By Special Exception
The city planners and planners did an extensive search on what other communities are allowing in Florida. There are RV/Park Model Communities, tiny home communities on a foundation, and tiny homes on wheels.
Their current ordinance is only addressing tiny houses on a foundation that are site-built and factory-built Modular Homes.
Atlanta Georgia is bracing for massive growth and undergoing a sweeping reform of their housing regulations to address racial isolation, to invite inclusion and to address the affordable housing crisis, allowing more types of dwellings and ending exclusionary single-family zoning.
Radical changes to second unit regulations include allowing an ADU on a flag lot, corner lot, ADUs to be sold separately and allowing basement apartments, garage conversions and reducing minimum lot size requirements and getting rid of parking requirements.
Join A Neighborhood Planning Unit
The City of Atlanta is divided into twenty-five (25) Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs), which are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on zoning, land use, and other planning-related matters. Enabling residents to express concerns and provide input helps the City in developing plans that best meet the needs of each neighborhood.
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Goose Creek, South Carolina has outlined a guide for tiny houses, 400 square feet or less. Tiny houses are not just small houses. They typically range from 100 ft2 to 400 ft2, are typically (but not always) mobile, and they have exceptions to the SC Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings that govern most houses. Small homes (garden homes, patio homes, or detached in-law suites) usually range from 400 ft2 to 1000 ft2 and must fully comply with the SC Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings.
Goose Creek Site Built Tiny Houses
The application necessary for submittal is a residential building permit. The Code of reference for a site built small house is the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC) and as a case by case alternate method the 2018 IRC “Appendix Q: Tiny Houses” as allowed by the section “Alternate Method”(R104.11.)
Goose Creek Non Site Built- Permanent Use
It must bear a SC Modular Label (SC Engineered Design constructed in an SC approved manufacturing facility). The unit shall be labeled for Single Family Dwelling Occupancy (Modular of closed construction) and be secured to an engineered foundation. (OR)It must be constructed in a Commercial Facility and be open construction (no concealed framing or mechanical components), installed on a site built permitted and inspected engineered foundation.
Alexandria, Virginia Community ADUs
Portland Groundbreaking ADU Reforms
Moscow, Idaho Tiny House Friendly!

Call To Action
Tiny House On Wheels As An ADU
A Journey For Full Time Legal Living!
Alexandra- The City is launching a community process to develop an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) policy to help expand housing options, affordability, and accessibility in neighborhoods throughout Alexandria. With stakeholder input, the study will inform the development of proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance that permit the construction of ADUs.
Alexandria Public Hearing
Final staff recommendations are scheduled to be considered by Planning Commission on January 2, 2021, public hearing, and City Council at January 23, 2021, public hearing.
Process and Goals
The process will include citywide community outreach and engagement, and an analysis of regional and national best practices to include regulatory tools, financial mechanisms, design guidelines, and other considerations. Urban Institute will provide research and outreach assistance to City staff on the project.
THOWs Allowed In Outdoor Shelters, Church Parking Lots And RV And Mobile Home Parks
Portland, Oregon has developed the Shelter Housing Continuity Project to address the urgent need for more housing for the homeless, those that are transitioning from shelters to permanent housing, and the onslaught of new individuals becoming homeless because of the government shutdown.
New code changes are being considered and outdated policies, such as regulating how many people live in a household, to more allowances for tiny houses on wheels. One recreational vehicle or tiny house on wheels will be allowed on a residential lot as a replacement of an allowed accessory dwelling unit, provided it meets certain industry construction standards. Recreational vehicles and tiny houses on wheels would also be allowed in outdoor shelters, church parking lots, manufactured home parks, and commercial campgrounds.
Moscow, Idaho is becoming a welcoming city for tiny houses with innovative creative solutions that can serve as a model in other jurisdictions. I just ran across the most exciting article written by Macy Miller, the founder of MiniMotives and the Idaho proponent for Appendix Q Tiny Houses, the first state that adopted Appendix Q Tiny Houses.
Macy Miller is a mother, teacher, and architectural designer. She designed and built her family’s tiny house in 2011 which has been featured in TIME and Dwell magazines. After living tiny for four years and having two kids, her family downsized from their tiny house to a rebuilt vintage travel trailer to explore the U.S. National Parks. She remains a strong advocate of alternative living and small space dwelling.
She is now living legally, full time without looking over her shoulder, and now able to put roots down with her family. What a sigh of relief! Sharing her entire story below.
Salt Lake City 5 Year Housing Plan
New Hampshire Tiny House SB482
Maine Regulation Of Tiny Houses

Includes Tiny Houses
An Act Relative To Building Codes For Tiny Houses
Maine Tiny House Bill LD 1981
Salt Lake City, Utah has a five year housing plan ( 2018 to 2022) with a mission to provide all residents of Salt Lake City, current and prospective, regardless of race, age, economic status or physical ability to find a place to call home.
Today, too many in our community are faced with impossible decisions and uncertain circumstances. Households are choosing between food and rent, while feeling the harsh reality of rising housing costs and limited wage growth. In the face of these challenges, Housing & Neighborhood Development (HAND) sees the opportunity to find meaningful and lasting solutions that have the ability to bring stability to all of our residents.
This project involves reviewing-the existing zoning requirements in the city’s four RMF zoning-districts, starting with the RMF-30: Low-Density Multi-Family Residential District,and proposing-updates to corresponding sections of Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance-with the intent of implementing the recently adopted Growing SLC Housing Plan and facilitating new, compatible housing development. Each of the proposed updates to the RMF-30 District have been broken down below:
New Hampshire SB482 was introduced on Jan. 8th, 2020, an act relative to building codes for tiny houses. Because of the shutdown, Dave Testerman, Representative for Franklin and Hill and one of the bill’s sponsors said that he will have to submit the bill again.
The last action was on June 16th, 2020-Vacated from the committee, Laid On Table, Motion Adopted. The progression is 25%.
”Tiny House” Means A Structure For Year-Around Occupancy
As used in this subdivision, “tiny house” means a structure intended for year-round occupancy that meets the requirements of the state building code, as defined in RSA 155-A, and is of smaller square footage than may be normally permitted by local zoning requirements, and may include single-room structures, and which is built on either a permanent foundation or on a chassis that is suitable for registration for transport on public highways of the state.
Maine- An Act Regarding The Regulation Of Tiny Houses ”LD 1981, sponsored by Senator Michael Carpenter was signed by Governor Janet T. Mills Brown on March 18th, 2020. This bill proposes to define what a tiny house is and to allow for the titling of a tiny house as a camp trailer or a trailer. An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Homes Emergency preamble.Maine- An Act Regarding The Regulation Of Tiny Houses ”LD 1981, sponsored by Senator Michael Carpenter was signed by Governor Janet T. Mills Brown on March 18th, 2020. This bill proposes to define what a tiny house is and to allow for the titling of a tiny house as a camp trailer or a trailer.
An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Homes Emergency preamble.
“Tiny home” means a living space permanently constructed on a frame or chassis and designed for use as permanent living quarters.
San Diego Movable Tiny House Bulletin
ADU Mandated State Laws Here
California Regulation Of Tiny Houses

Allowed As Back Yard Cottages
Effective Jan. 1st, 2020
Leads The Way For Tiny Houses As ADUs
San Diego, California-A Movable Tiny House is a manufactured and transportable accessory structure on a residential lot that provides living facilities for one or more persons, independent of the primary dwelling unit, which includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
A Movable Tiny House constructed to comply as relocatable manufactured housing pursuant to Title 25, California Code of Regulations and Title 24, Code of Federal Regulations shall comply with the Building Standards in those respective regulations and with regulations for Movable Tiny Houses found in SDMC Ch. 14, Article 01, Division 3.
California implemented new state-mandated ADU laws on Jan. 1st, 2020. The California Health and Safety Code (HSC), Section 65583(c)(7), requires that cities and counties develop a plan that incentivizes and promotes the creation of ADUs that can be offered at affordable rent for very-low to moderate-income households.
The Planning and Zoning Law authorizes a local agency, by ordinance, or, if a local agency has not adopted an ordinance, by ministerial approval, to provide for the creation of accessory dwelling units in single-family and multifamily residential zones in accordance with specified standards and conditions.
California is becoming the leading state for affordable solutions, increasing density, and leading the way for tiny houses as backyard ADUs.
Governor signs 15 bills aimed at increasing housing production and tackling the state’s affordability crisis
Governor signs SB 1079 to provide new rights for tenants to buy homes facing foreclosure
Governor signs a package of bills to increase the incentives to build more housing for working families and to build more housing near transit
Builds on the nation’s strongest statewide eviction protections from previously-signed AB 3088.
Nebraska Regulation Of Tiny Houses
Placer And Nevada County Regulation Of Tiny Houses
Find Your Tribe

Nebraska Public Service Commission
Including The Town Of Truckee
Tiny Home Villages
Nebraska Laws On Tiny Houses- Pursuant to Nebraska law, the Nebraska Public Service Commission (Commission) enforces health and safety regulations of building codes for closed-construction structures built away from the site of occupancy;
(See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-1555 – 1568.01 and § 71-4601 – 4620.01). This includes structures transported from the building site to another location and cannot be readily inspected at the site of occupancy without disassembly, damage to, or destruction thereof. Further, the Commission also regulates recreational vehicles, park trailers, and travel trailers.
Placer and Nevada County have created a Tiny House Sheet by the Mountain Housing Council. The town of Truckee is also included.
The Tiny House Sheet Addresses tiny houses on a foundation and ADUs. Tiny homes on wheels are allowed in RV and Mobile Home Parks.
State by state listing of tiny home villages, intentional communities, cottage developments, RV Parks And Mobile Home Parks friendly to tiny houses.
Please contact us to have your community listed. We have a separete listing or tiny house villages for Veterans and for the homeless.
Job And Career Board
Building Talent Foundation
Escambia County, Florida: Tiny Homes

Job And Career Board THAUS
100,000 New Skilled Workers By 2030
Public Hearing Jan. 7th, 2021
A job or career in the tiny house industry is a dream that a lot of people have, but the other side of the coin is we have an industry that is also struggling to find competent workers and there is a shortage of skilled laborers. There is also a shortage of inspectors and building department officials that are reaching retirement age with no replacements.
One way we can bridge the gap between those who need a job with those who are offering a job is to unite the information under one roof. Today we are starting a job and career board for those who are looking for a job or career in the tiny house industry or are offering a job in the industry.
BTF Press Release: Washington D.C. October 20, 2020 Building Talent Foundation (BTF) announced their official launch today as part of Careers in Construction Month. The new non-profit was established to advance the education, training, and career progression of young people and people from underrepresented groups in construction.
BTF’s vision is to build a sustainable workforce by 2030—one that is valued, well-trained, safe, resilient, diverse, as well as treated and compensated fairly by employers.
Escambia County, Florida’s Planning Board has scheduled the public hearing for Jan. 7th, 2021. The planning board recommended the approval of the draft ordinance on 12-1-20; however, the draft ordinance has to have 2 public hearings with the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners (BCC), as required by Florida’s Law, before the draft ordinance becomes law.
Once it gets to the public hearings, it could possibly change and be remanded back to the Planning Board to address the possible changes.
Honolulu City Council Introduces Farm Village Communities
Appendix Q Tiny Houses
Smart Share Housing Solutions Smart Share Housing Solutions San Luis Obispo

Tiny Home Villages
Appendix Q Tiny House
Smart Share Housing Solutions
Honolulu City Council introduced Resolution 20-293, proposing an amendment to Chapter 21, revised ordinances of Honolulu 1990 Land Ordinance, relating to farm village communities.
The ordinance was introduced on Oct. 29th, 2020. The full proposal goes before the Honolulu City Council on Dec.2nd, 2020.
Appendix Q Tiny Houses was approved for inclusion to the 2018 International Residential Code ( IRC ) building code to provide regulations and standards for tiny houses on a foundation that is 400 square feet or less
Appendix Q relaxes various requirements in the body of the code as they apply to tiny houses that are 400 square feet or less.
Follow the progress as more jurisdictions adopt Appendix Q.
Smart Share Housing Solutions is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation in San Luis Obispo, California that develops innovative housing solutions that add to the stock of attainable, sustainable housing.
SmartShare Housing Solutions is a member of the National Shared Housing Resource Center and currently operates five programs.
Marianna, Florida Mixed Use And Tiny Home Ordinance
Granny Pods Study Act 2020 H.R. 7493
Jurisdictions Allowing Tiny Houses

Tiny Home Ordinance
Temporary Family Health Care
Tiny Houses On Foundation And Wheels
On November 4th, 2020, Mayor Travis H. Ephriam and the commissioners for the city of Marianna had the first reading of ordinance # 1108 to define and allow tiny homes on a foundation, tiny homes on wheels, ADUs, and the development of tiny home communities. The second reading is scheduled for December.
H.R. 7493 -Granny Pods Study Act was sponsored by Rep. Griffith H. Morgan R-VA-9 on 7/06/2020 -116th Congress ( 2019-2020 ) 2nd session.
This bill requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to study the provision of certain long-term care services for physically or mentally impaired individuals through temporary family health care structures (also known as granny pods).
There has been great progress for tiny houses in the last few years with the adoption of Appendix Q Tiny House and many ordinances written allowing tiny houses as ADUs.
Appendix Q Tiny House was adopted into the 2018 International Residential Code ( IRC ) building code to provide regulations and standards for tiny houses on a foundation that is 400 square feet or less.
Oregon Regulation Of Tiny Houses
Sitka, Alaska Applies Appendix Q To Tiny Houses On Wheels
Washington State Regulation Of Tiny Houses

Oregon -HB 2423, created the Small Home Specialty Code (consisting of the 2018 International Residential Code, including but not limited to Appendix Q of that code), superseded and replaced all previous related statutes and approaches in the ORSC, including the R329 ORSC amendments (temporary rule) and the REACH code.
The State Building Codes Division (BCD) adopted the 2018 International Residential Code, including Appendix Q, as part of the Oregon Reach Code to provide minimum standards for the construction of tiny houses (400 square feet or less, not including loft areas). Appendix Q became effective on Sept. 20th, 2018.
Sitka, Alaska passed an ordinance at the second and final reading for ORD 20-02S (A) at a vote of 6 to 0 and is a great win for tiny houses on wheels. Sitka, Alaska has approved tiny houses on a foundation, but what is groundbreaking is they have written an ordinance that amends Appendix Q that applies to tiny houses on wheels. From the floor joists up, the tiny home will be built to the IRC Appendix Q Tiny House.
The chassis on which a tiny house is placed or constructed, including all components attached to the chassis, shall be of adequate structural strength to resist all dead and live loads imposed upon it and/or required by applicable safety standards. The Building Official may require third-party certification to ascertain compliance with this section.
Washington state allows tiny houses, but it is important to know the process the state allows. The state has amended and adopted Appendix Q Tiny House to be effective Feb. 1st, 2021. Appendix Q Tiny House refers to tiny houses on a foundation, 400 square feet or less. Appendix Q Tiny House has been adopted on a state level, it will be up to the local jurisdictions to adopt it as well.
Jurisdictions may use Appendix Q as a model code to adopt, reference, or amend. Builders or even jurisdictions that have not adopted the 2018 IRC or the Appendix, can seek approval ”on a project basis through the alternative materials and designs provision” in the IRC.
Cottonwood, AZ Tiny House Ordinance 680
Minnesota Regulation
HBAM And ICC Publish

Zoning Amendments For Tiny Houses
Tiny House Sheet
Select IRC Options
1) For purposes of this Code, a tiny house built off-site and mounted on a mobile chassis is a recreational vehicle.
2) A tiny house built off-site on a chassis where the suspension/axle components have been removed and the chassis is permanently attached to a permanent foundation is permitted as a dwelling unit in the the R-4 and MH zones, and as a guest house in the GA, AR-70, Air-43, AR-20, R-1, and CR zones, subject to the requirements for the zone. Certification that the structure was built to current manufactured housing codes or International Residential Codes shall be provided at the time of permit application.
Fire sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with adopted fire codes.
3) A tiny house that is a site-built or factory-built building permanently affixed to a permanent foundation and built to current International Residential Code standards (including special provisions for tiny houses) is permitted as a single-family dwelling in the GA, AR-70, AR-43, Air-20, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4,
and CR zones, and as a guest house in the GA, AR-70, AR-43, AR-20, R-1, and CR zones, subject to the requirements for the zone. Fire sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with adopted fire codes.
The Minnesota Residential Code includes Appendix Q Tiny House. The ”code” for the purpose of constructing houses, means the 2020 Minnesota Residential Code, is a standard that applies statewide. The Tiny Home Sheet describes how tiny houses are regulated by building codes, zoning codes, and HUD.
Tiny Homes Can Be Built As:
- Prefab Homes
- Modular Buildings
- Manufactured Homes
- Site-Built
HBAM-The Home Builders Association of Michigan (HBAM) and the International Code Council (ICC) have joined forces to publish a targeted book of changes in the 2018 IRC to allow Home Builders Association of Michigan members and others to benefit from their new ability without having to buy the entire code. The book is titled ” 2018 Select IRC Options For Use With The Michigan Residential Code.”
The Flex Code Law, Public Act 504 of 2012 allows Michigan to choose to update the Michigan Residential Code every three or six years. Michigan chose not to update to the 2018 edition of the IRC published by the ICC and will be staying with the 2015 MRC until the 2021 edition of IRC is available and adopted.
The state chose not to update to the 2018 edition of the IRC published by the ICC and will be staying with the 2015 MRC until the 2021 edition of IRC is available and adopted. In addition to providing flexibility in when the residential code is updated, The Flex Law also included language to allow the use, at the option of the contractor, of any section of the 2018 IRC.
Tiny House Alliance USA Editor
The Future Of Tiny Is Now!
Janet Thome Founder And President
509 345 2013
Founder Of Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins