Participation In Person And On Zoom
Press Release From The County Of Humboldt- If you are interested in tiny house villages and emergency housing villages in Humboldt County, consider attending a Tiny House Villages & Emergency Housing Villages Workshop to share your input with the Humboldt County Planning Commission on Thursday, April 18.
Currently, multiple small residential units on a single parcel are not recognized in the county’s zoning regulations, so an ordinance is needed to allow tiny house villages and emergency villages in unincorporated Humboldt County.
An ordinance is being prepared by the Humboldt County Planning & Building Department to allow the development of tiny house villages and emergency housing villages in the inland and coastal areas of unincorporated Humboldt County.
The Planning & Building Department has been developing a draft Tiny House Villages and Emergency Housing Villages Ordinance in order to achieve implementation measures in the county’s 2019 Housing Element of the General Plan. A survey was conducted in 2022 in order to gain an understanding of Humboldt County resident’s views on tiny house villages. There were 655 respondents to the survey, and results of the survey are available on the county’s Tiny House Villages and Emergency Housing Villages webpage.
The draft ordinance has been reviewed by relevant agencies including CalFire, Humboldt County’s Public Works Department and the county’s Building and Environmental Health divisions. Comments received have been incorporated into the draft document.
For more information or to review the draft ordinance, please visit the county’s Tiny House Villages and Emergency Housing Villages webpage.
Tiny House Village Workshop
If you wish to participate in the process of creating this ordinance, now is the time to do so. The draft ordinance will be brought to the Planning Commission for a workshop at their regular meeting on Thursday, April 18.
Community members have the option to attend on Zoom or in person at the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors Chamber, located at 825 Fifth St. in Eureka. The Planning Commission meeting will start at 6 p.m. and the agenda, which includes the written staff report can be found on the county’s meeting agenda webpage.
Following the workshop, the ordinance will enter the hearing stage where the Planning Commission will make their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, who will consider those recommendations and make a decision regarding the proposed ordinance. It is currently anticipated that this process will conclude by October. For more information, please visit the county’s Tiny House Villages and Emergency Housing Villages webpage.
How To Attend On Zoom
Members of the public may attend the Planning Commission meeting on Zoom.
Join By Phone
To access on the phone, call 346-248-7799, enter the meeting id: 875 4480 7065 and password: 200525
A live stream of the meeting can also be found on the county’s meeting agenda webpage or by watching Access Humboldt on cable channel 11.
A live stream of the meeting can also be found on the county’s meeting agenda webpage or by watching Access Humboldt on cable channel 11.
The County of Humboldt is committed to providing equal access to all county programs, services and activities through the provision of accommodations for individuals with qualified disabilities as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). With 72 hours prior notice, a request for reasonable accommodation for this meeting can be made by calling 707-268-3722.
For more information, please call 707-441-2634, email ma******, or visit the Planning & Building Department office located at 3015 H St. in Eureka.
Pingback: Tiny House Village Workshop Humboldt County April 18, 2024 - Tiny House Daily News
With the dire need for housing in the County and State, tiny home provide a viable solution to assist in the housing crisis as we need housing of ALL levels to help maintain economically viable communities. I strongly support adopting Tiny Homes in Humboldt County.