Virtual Meeting June 24th, 2021
The Whatcom County Planning Commission will host a virtual public hearing and work session on Thursday, June 24, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. regarding:
A proposal to adopt amendments to Whatcom County Code Title 20 (Zoning) to provide additional affordable housing options, including allowing and regulating tiny homes and allowing duplexes in planned unit developments.
For information on how to watch or participate in the virtual meeting in real-time, please visit the County website at:
Individuals who require special assistance to participate in the meetings are asked to contact PD********************* at least 96 hours in advance.
More information will be posted on the County website at:
Planning Commission Meeting Materials
Participate in Virtual Planning Commission Meeting
The Whatcom County Planning Commission is currently holding all meetings remotely. View meeting schedules, agendas, meeting materials, and minutes on the Planning Commission Meeting Materials page. You may watch meetings live and on demand. See the “Watch or Listen Live” tab below for more information.
If you would like to address the Commission on a particular issue, you may contact the Planning Commission in writing. Submitting comments in writing before the meeting is strongly encouraged. See the “Submit Written Comment” tab below for more information.
Comment During a Meeting
If you would like to speak to the Planning Commission during Open Session for Public Comment or during a public hearing, you are invited to do so by one of the options below. During the Open Session for Public Comment, you may speak on any topic except
- Items scheduled on that meeting’s agenda for a public hearing.
- Items that have had a public hearing and are still under deliberation by the Planning Commission.
If pre-registration is available for a virtual meeting, those who pre-register to speak will be called upon at the beginning of the public comment session or public hearing. Please choose the appropriate tab below for more information.
During a Work Session, public input will only be allowed in response to direct questions from Commission members. New testimony will not be received.
Watch Or Listen Live
Submit Written Comment
Speak By Phone
Speak Via Web Or App
If you do not wish to speak during the Open Session or public hearing, please help the County manage attendance by choosing to watch or listen live, using the link below:
To listen over the telephone call: (253) 215-8782
Meeting/Webinar ID: 997 4855 2412
NOTE: This page will only stream live during the scheduled meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

Photo Courtesy: Magellan Series:
Carriage Houses NW obtained an exclusive agreement with esteemed architectural firm Magellan Architects to build backyard cottages and tiny houses. Magellan is a Bellevue-based firm whose MADADU design was a winner in the City of Seattle’s DADU design contest. As a result of the win, that floor plan is pre-approved by the city, which results in a quicker permitting process.